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[ Plant part | Family | Aroma | Constituents | Origin | Discussion |

Pepper Rosé (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi)

Danish Rřd Peber
Dutch Roze peper
English Brazil Pepper, Pink pepper; Peruvian pepper (S. molle)
Estonian Pehme skiinus (S. molle)
French Poivre rosé, Sorbier, Baies roses, Poivrier d'Amirique, Poivre de Bourbon
German Brasilianischer Pfeffer, Rosé-Pfeffer, Rosa Pfeffer; Peruanischer Pfeffer (S. molle)
Hungarian Rózsaszín bors, Brazilbors; Perui bors (S. molle)
Icelandic Rósapipar
Portuguese Pimenta-rosa
Spanish Arveira, Pirul
Swedish Rosépeppar
Schinus molle/terebinthifolius: Pink pepper berries
Pink pepper berries
Used plant part
Plant family
Anacardiaceae (cashew family)
Sensoric quality
Sweet and aromatic, similar to juniper (which makes a good substitute).
Schinus molle: Fruiting Pink Pepper Tree
Peruvian peppertree with ripe fruits
Main constituents
Mostly monoterpene hydrocarbons (together about 10% of the mass of the dried berries): 21% Delta^3-carene, 20% alpha-pinene, 13% alpha-phellandrene, 9% limonene, 8% p-cymene and 6% beta-phellandrene. Furthermore, monoterpene, sequiterpene and triterpene derivatives were reported: cis-sabinole, carvotanacetone, beta-caryophyllene, alpha- and beta-cubebane, alpha-amyrin, alpha-amyrenone, masticadienoic acid and hydroxymasticadienoic acid. The sweet taste (cf. licorice) of the dried berries is due to considerable amounts of sugar. (Phytochemistry, 16, 1301, 1977)

The berries are sometimes accused of causing respiratory ailment or irritation of mucous membranes.

Brazil (Schinus terebinthifolius) and Peru (Schinus molle L.). The former was introduced to Florida and today grows there wild; some sources claim that S. terebinthifolius is commonly planted as an ornamental in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea.

The main producer for the European market is Réunion.

Schinus terebinthifolius: Brazilan pepper tree

Brazil pepper tree with ripe fruits

Schinus molle: Peruvian pepper tree

Peruvian pepper tree (sterile)

S. terebinthifolius has small fruits of peppercorn size and is sometimes used in the European nouvelle cuisine, mostly in form of a decorative mixture with white, black and green pepper corns; the larger fruits of S. molle have appeared on the European market around 1950, but are no longer available.

The flavour of the small, pink berries is rather week, and so these berries serve predominantly ornamental purpose. Although some books recommend them for fish and vegetable dishes, they should be used with care because of potential health hazard.

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