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Bienvenid@s a La Página Virtual de ALNICOLSA del Perú S.A.C. Telf: 5530981 - Ultima Actualización |
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The Folin-Ciocalteau Colorimetric Reaction
This method, although originally dating from 1912, was
extensively upgraded and improved by Professor Vernon Singleton of UC Davis
during the 1960's and 70's, and is now pretty much standard in most of the
wine industry. It is equally applicable to ciders, though rather more
complicated to carry out than the permanganate titration.
The Folin-Ciocalteau reagent
is a solution of complex polymeric ions formed from phosphomolybdic and
phosphotungstic heteropoly acids. It oxidises phenolates, reducing the
heteropoly acids to a blue Mo-W complex. The phenolates are only present
in alkaline solution but the reagent and products are alkali unstable. Hence a
moderate alkalinity and a high reagent concentration are used in the procedure
Reagent - Dilute the concentrated commercially prepared reagent
(Merck, Sigma etc) 1: 10 with distilled water. Prepare fresh daily. The
concentrate keeps well in closed dark conditions but the diluted solution
keeps only for a few days before high blanks are obtained.
Carbonate Reagent – Make up a 7.5% solution of sodium carbonate
(anhydrous) in water. This is stable for several weeks.
Acid standard - Make up a solution of 100 mg pure gallic acid
(accurately measured) in one litre of water to give a stock standard of 100
ppm gallic acid. Crystalline gallic acid monohydrate can be purchased as an
ACS grade reagent which dissolves readily and is preferred to the anhydrous
form. Its concentration should be corrected for moisture content (ca
9.4%). Although gallic acid does not occur in apples, it is easier to
use and more stable than the alternative epicatechin standard, and the colour
response per gram is very similar to that of apple polyphenols. This
solution is stable for a few days at 4° C.
Equipment Spectrophotometer
- capable of reading at 740 nm. Disposable plastic cuvettes are
laboratory glassware – including volumetric flasks and test tubes
(to contain 10 ml with space for vortex mixing). All glassware must be
scrupulously clean. The use of disposable plastic tubes has been found
advantageous for the final dilution step. Reagent blanks should accompany all
pipettes – to deliver 1, 4 and 5 ml volumes. For assay of
large numbers of samples, the FC and sodium carbonate reagents may be more
conveniently dispensed from calibrated auto-dispensing bottles.
Procedure Samples, standards and
reagent blanks should be made up as one set for measurement all in one
session, since time, temperature and reagent age can all affect the absolute
values of the data obtained.
standards -Use the 100 ppm gallic acid stock solution to prepare
serial dilutions containing 100, 50, 25 and 10 ppm gallic acid (or as found
appropriate). Use 1 ml of each solution in the assay procedure (below)
to construct a calibration graph or to calculate a ‘best-fit’ response
factor (typically the 50 ppm standard will give ca 0.5 AU in the assay).
samples - Filter the sample through paper or glass fibre and dilute
with water 1:10. Polymer filters (e.g. nylon) may remove polyphenols by
adsorption and are not recommended. In the case of bittersweet ciders or red
wines, an initial dilution 1:5 may be necessary. Note that solutions
cannot be diluted after the colorimetric reagents have been added.
Take a 1 ml aliquot of the
diluted sample in a test tube and add in order, mixing well at each stage
(e.g. using a vortex mixer):
5 ml of diluted FC
Wait 3 – 8 mins
4 ml of the 7.5%
sodium carbonate solution
Cover the tubes for 2 hours at room temperature and away from strong light.
Then measure E740 in a 1 cm cell against a reagent blank carried
through the same procedure. A reagent blank should also be measured
against a water blank – the background should be acceptably low.
Multiply the assay figure
obtained from the calibration graph by 10 (or by the appropriate dilution
factor) to give the polyphenol concentration as ppm (parts per million or
mg/l) gallic acid equivalents (GAE) in the original sample. To convert
to percentage values, divide the ppm values by 10,000.
Note: High levels of
fructose, sulphite and ascorbic acid may interfere with the assay. It is
recommended that these factors be tested in model solutions if they are likely
to be present in the samples in significant amounts.
References Singleton and Rossi -
Amer. J. Enol. Vitic. (1965) 16 144 The procedure has been
collated and reviewed by Singleton VL, Orthofer R and Lamuela-Raventos RM
in Analysis of total phenolics …..by means of Folin-Ciocalteau reagent
Methods in Enzymology, Oxidants and Antioxidants, Part A, Lester Packer (ed)
(1999) 299 152-178 (ISBN 0121822001) Academic Press, San
Kramling and Singleton - Amer. J. Enol. Vitic. (1969) 20
Somers and Ziemelis - J. Sci. Fd. Agr. (1980) 31
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